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Change decimal places before export


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we are exporting csv files of dimension for further processing. For this we require more decimal places to achieve higher accuracy (warning limit calculation etc.). But for report creation two decimal places are enough and provide a better overview.

Is there a way to change the decimal places by scripting? Idea is:

  • Click button in script
  • Change preferences to more decimal places
  • Export csv
  • Revert to 2 decimal places

Script recording does not work unfortunately. I also found nothing using the script object menu (F2 in script editor). Is there another way to achieve this?


Thanks in advance,

Jan Kollmann

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Hello Nanno,

sorry for the delayed answer, apparently notifications where not turned on. Can you explain, where to find this setting?

I tried to increase the decimal places in the table template (Edit cell -> Insert/edit keyword -> Format -> Width -> Decimal places). This would be indeed perfect and what I need. But when I exporting the table as csv I just receive the 2 decimal places I selected in the global settings. 


This is the table:



Then I export tabel contents to CSV and opened in Excel. There is also no extra decimal places that are rounded by Excel:



Thnaks in advance.This time my answer will be quicker..

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Hello Jan,

there is a section in the "How To" for the notifications here: How to - GOM Forum

Basically, you follow a topic and activate email notifications for followed content. 

You could create a report page including the table and export it like this:

GOM Tech Guide - export by report pages

Here, the number of decimal places can be defined.




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