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ISO 1101:2017 - feature specification elements like tangential (Ⓣ)


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I would like to specifiy the height of a step like shown in the picture below:


GOM is showing the biggest deviation of the surface:  min:0,156 -> Profile form of 0,31

See interpretation:



But for function of the part, I would just need the tangential deviation Ⓣ (which is described in ISO 1101:2017) and I do not care about the lower deviation.

See interpretation:



Is there an option or a workaround to evaluate this specification in the GOM Inspect software?




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not exactly to the ISO 1101: 2017 but the following should give you a good workaround.

Switch your specification to a position tolerance (for planes this is the same as a surface profile) and choose as standards "Geometry". Now you have to ensure that you plane is contacting you surface tangent. Using an Outside Chebyshev Plane as actual plane should give you an acceptable results (yes the standard mentioned a outside gauss but this not yet available).


Hope this helps

Christoph Schult

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Many thanks for this workaround!

That approach works well, but it would be great if this features are implemented in a new software version!

Unfortunately, the position tolerance is only working surfaces that are parallel to the datum.

For inclined surfaces I have to activate the option "tilted tolerance zone".



Are there any limitations or disadvantages to using this option?


Thanks again!


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of course this feature is on our list (unfortunately this is not the only one so that we cannot say to which version we can include this one).

Regarding "tilted tolerance zone", of course you can enable this feature if you have specified angle between your plane and your datum. This is the main application for this option so please be free to use it.


Best regards

Christoph Schult

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