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Can we write a probe qualification program using PCM?


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I am curious to find out if I can write a Probe Qualification program based on a program probes in use with PCM, an automatic probe qualification program.
All the parameters are established with existing probes that have been qualified, even those that are imported via an SSC file.
I know with Excel we can get all the Probe and stylus names from a program.

I found that which ever probe is active, I can add a "Probing system qualification" item and it will auto populate when opened (Not sure if it auto populates when inserted in the program without opening).
The trick would be to activate a probe with PCM, add a "Probing system qualification", open it, close it, (wash, rinse, repeat) thru all the probes in the program. Possibly do this in simulation mode.
In the end I would want to open several programs and repeat this process, skipping duplicates.

Hmmm.... 👩‍🏫
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I have a probe loaded in the XTR sensor, #9_Contura3.
I add a "Probing system qualification". (See Capture1.PNG)
I open the "Probing system qualification" and the active probe is automatically added (See Capture2.PNG).
The theory.
Since an active probe is automatically added to the "Probing system qualification", then if I can simulate simulate a probe change (Maybe using "Simulation mode").
Add a new "Probing system qualification", somehow pragmatically open it so it auto populates, then close it.
Repeat this process for how ever many probes are used in a specified program.

I think once I can achieve the above, I can move forward for custom reporting of Standard Deviation values, which is in Result Elements using PCM.

I have attached a sample qualification program I basing my metrics on for an automated PCM driven program.

Probe Calibration_Data Files_10-12-2023.zipCapture1.PNGCapture2.PNG

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So you intend to use PCM as a "self-programming" tool to create probe calibration elements in the program "on the fly"?

I'm sure there are ways to add such an element and to open and close the window with the appropriate undocumented PCM functions. Unfortunately I don't know how to do it. But I'm not so sure if all of this would work in CNC mode, if that is what you're aiming for.
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1. Yes, that is my theory.
2. Not necessarily during CNC mode, I want to create entities (characteristics) via PCM. The actual run would be operator activated.
Open or create a new CMM program.
Start PCM script.
PCM builds program based on a chosen CMM program.
Operator runs the new program.
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Sound interesting. You don't even need to open the window of the inserted qualification object. It uses the current probe the moment it's created (proof: change to probe 1, create object, don't open window, change to probe 2, open window --> it contains probe 1)

So open questions are:
- how to insert qual. object via PCM
- how to simulate a probe change or otherwise supply probe name to object

I guess IF there is a piece of internal code we can trigger via PCM, one of it's parameters WILL probably be the probe id.
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Absolutely doable. The sky is the limit...

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Mr Mobergs solution is quite elegant as well.
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