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AutoRun privileges


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Is there a particular setting that prevents a user from changing the properties of the probe rack, i.e. Set stylus system to stylus system holder, add holders, delete holders, etc. I've gone through the privileges and permissions and can't seem to identify if there is a method to do this.

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I don't know if editing rack is possible in autorun. Surelly you can call probes from holder, but i am not sure for editing.

In programing it should be possible and there is a permission
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Yes! There is. It's one of the biggest reasons I convinced my facility to start using AutoRun.

I'm not near a CMM right now but tomorrow I'll screenshot it if nobody else has.

The list of AutoRun privileges is long and poorly organized IMO. But it's there.
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It's called "Change stylus" and is near the end of the Autorun Rights list.
They should have better translated it as "Modify stylus"
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Norbert was right, second from the bottom in the list of "AutoRun Rights". Don't forget the very first one too, "Change Privlidges", If you're doing this I assume you don't want them to be able to change them on their own.

Make sure you're logged into Master while you set the Rights for other users.

Then setup the default user, with a default AutoRun interface and they can't get into anything you don't want them to without a password.

This is my offline seat, where my user "User" has all permissions, but on the floor it only has a few.


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That completely locks out the operator's ability to access the manual or automatic system change windows. I don't think there's a way to allow those while blocking edits to the rack assignments.
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Oh maybe I misunderstood the question.. Have to see what Tom says.

IMO if you can't trust them to not start clicking around in Stylus System settings, they can't be trusted to be in the window at all.
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Thanks guys, Tom Gorman is right. Need to be able to have operators do stylus changes, i.e. re-qualify stylus systems, etc., but don't want them to be able to change rack properties, intentionally or accidentally.
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Qualify is Separate.

You can allow Qualifications while preventing anybody messing with the change rack. The only thing coming to my mind that wouldn't work is letting people "Set Stylus System to Holder", that would be blocked. If you have many Stylus Systems that would be a problem.

Just a suggestion, we use a 3 user system, maybe it could apply to you? It's not exactly what you asked for but, I find a password, even a simple one that's well known, tends to make people more careful and you can relax the controls a bit. We have this same situation in our QA Lab where people are better trained so I want them to be able to Change the rack assignments and Calibrate. But, I've never been able to find a way to prevent them from clicking those lovely arrows in the Auto Change window. That's why we use the 3 User System.

Master > Everything, Secret Password only programmers know
Tech > Simple password many people know after training, Change probe stuff and Calibrate, CAN close AutoRun and go into Normal Calypso. CAN'T Save programs or the AutoRun.
User > No Password, is the Auto Logon User, Opens up to AutoRun, very restricted.
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Actually I just tried.

In the AutoRun Rights, Uncheck Change Stylus System, but Check Qualify Stylus system.

With it done like that, You can't access the Stylus Change window from AutoRun, but you can open up the manual Qualification Window, which will then allow the Stylus Change Window...

I don't love it... because it still lets people get into the dangerous window without a password but it depends how much you trust people.

AutoRun 2.PNG

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This is pretty much the same settings I recommend to our customers. This customer is looking for a solution to my original post.
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I don't believe a solution exists where you can get into the Automatic Change window, but limit what can be done... although I'd love to be wrong because I would use it too, that would be nice in certain situations.
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What is the customer trying to accomplish with this? Maybe there is a different solution than user permission or perhaps workaround if we knew what their goal or task was
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They want to prevent shop users from being able to change stylus system assignments in probe rack, adding or deleting probe holders, shifting positions of probe holders. Apparently, this has happened before and they would like to keep it from happening again.
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This confuses me, it sounds like they should be happy to block access to probe changes, which prevents all of that.

What do they need to get into the Automatic or Manual change window if they want to prevent people from changing anything?
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In that case it sounds like removing Change Stylus System and Qualify Stylus System permissions would prevent them from accessing the Rack options, and creating a qualification program and miniplans and adding it to the autorun would allow quals and requals without access to the rack as well.
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