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Old Zeiss instructional files?


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What happened to the ... not sure what it was called, but they used to have instructions on various topics and features of calypso. Did that get deleted when they upgraded the forum?
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Do you mean the old eLearnings? I believe they were screen-recorded with Adobe Captivate.
Everything from the old portal is gone for now, as the old URL redirects to the new portal.
In another thread Zeiss alluded to this being an accident, but nonetheless they haven't fixed it until now.
I fear all the old content is gone forever.
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That's a shame, I have some newbie calypso users that would really benefit from those E learning lessons (including myself on those seldom used features) 😕
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Sorry to keep you waiting.
The old eLearnings should now be available again.
If there is one missing it would be nice if you could tell us the name, we will then try to make it available as soon as possible.
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