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Maximum Material Condition in Secondary Datum


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Hi, I´m metrologist in a manumacturing company, and we make part for automotive companies. In one of our client´s drawing we see a secondary datum, formed for two holes and both are datum B (B-B). Both have maximum material requirement in Position evaluations of other caractiristics, for example in a Position tolerance of a Plane. You can see in the attached images.
My quetion is, how can I do the alignment with the secondary datum knowing the MMC in it.
There are some images attached.

cap 3.JPGcap 2.JPGcap 1.JPG

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Each datum -B- has equal value. You would combine the two Datums (Holes) by recalling them into a 3d-line to use for a planar rotation in the alignment. As far are applying the bonus tolerance for those holes, I don't believe that Calypso would allow that as they now make a line.
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Hello all,

Just to add a bit, so long as the version of Calypso that Patxi is using isn't too old, you should be able to do this with using a parallel cylinder under features>special geometries. I can't remember when it was first available (2018 or 2019 I think), but I believe this sort of callout is why it was created in the first place.
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