[Ri...] Posted January 18 Share Posted January 18 I have some programs where I need operators to complete some user fields. See image: Untitled.png Example PCM: (If I get help here I should be able to figure the other fields If/Then statements). optest=getRecordHead("u_OperatorName") if len(optest)<2 repeat optest=inquireText("Please enter the OPERATOR NAME - YOU DID NOT ENTER IT ON THE RUN SCREEN") setRecordHead("u_OperatorName",optest) until len(optest)>2 endif This If/Then doesn't prevent the user form entering invalid data. Such as a line of "______" (Underscores) or "---------" (Dashes). This should be Alpha only and up to to 4 characters. Are there PCM methods for "Alpha" and or "Numeric" only conditions?Untitled.png Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Mi...] Posted January 18 Share Posted January 18 I don't use the run screen I control all the inputs with PCM, this file can also control mini-plans if . We avoid typing any chance we can get so the first version is about to be obsoleted in favour of a version that will use barecode scanner. Here's two versions of this code. It traps the operators until the desired input is put in or cancels the run. In these examples you should find ideas on how you can control it. This code should execute in any version 2018 or newer but be aware there is some undocumented code in it. //------xxxx Final Audit------ cancelMess=" Invalid entry, Cancel or No selected. "+cr()+cr()+cr()+ " Do you wish to end the program? " nextLoop=false loopBreak=false programCancel=false selectionCheck=true setupQuestion="" expectedSerialLength = 16 curMachID=getRecordHead("procid") curPalletID=getRecordHead("fixtid") curAuditID=getRecordHead("startcomment") //------Start of main loop------ repeat employNum="" mach="Final" pall="N/A" para="" loopBreak=false //-------------Serial Number Input Loop--------------------- repeat loopBreak=false AuditID = inquireText(" Type Serial Number: (Last Entered: "+curAuditID+") "+cr()+cr()+" ***Must be "+expectedSerialLength+" digits*** "+cr()+cr()+" Example: W3OP322210214865") if (AuditID == "") or (len(AuditID) <> expectedSerialLength) or (setupQuestion==false) then loopBreak=confirm(cancelMess) if loopBreak then nextLoop=false programCancel=true endif else loopBreak=true nextLoop=true endif until loopBreak //-------------Run Parameter Input Loop--------------------- if nextLoop then repeat loopBreak=false para=inquireList("Select Run Parameters", "Full Program", "Recheck") if (para=="") or (setupQuestion==false) then loopBreak=confirm(cancelMess) if loopBreak then nextLoop=false programCancel=true endif else loopBreak=true endif until loopBreak endif //Displays the selections and asks if the operator is happy with them if programCancel==false selectionCheck=executeCode("ICCDialog confirm: 'You selected:"+cr()+cr()+cr()+cr()+"AuditID/Serial: <u><c:red>"+AuditID+"</u></c>"+cr()+cr()+cr()+"Run Identifier: <u><c:red>"+para+"</u></c>"+cr()+cr()+cr()+cr()+"Is this correct?' asRichText") if selectionCheck==false loopBreak=confirm(cancelMess) if loopBreak then programCancel=true endif else loopBreak=true endif endif until loopBreak //------Skips to here if Cancel is selected at any point in the selection menu's at program start------ if programCancel then message("You have chosen to cancel the program") cncBreak() else //-----------Sets the run based on selection from Run Parameter Loop if (para <> "Recheck") then setRunID("FullProgram") endif //-------Sets the header data from the selections chosen by the operator setRecordHead("vda_signature",employNum) setRecordHead("procid",mach) setRecordHead("fixtid","N/A") setRecordHead("startcomment",AuditID) endif cancelMess=" Invalid entry, Cancel or No selected. "+cr()+cr()+cr()+ " Do you wish to end the program? " nextLoop=false loopBreak=false programCancel=false selectionCheck=true setupQuestion="" curMachID=getRecordHead("procid") curPalletID=getRecordHead("fixtid") curParaID=getRecordHead("startcomment") //------Start of main loop------ repeat employNum="" mach="" pall="N/A" para="" loopBreak=false //-------------Employee Number Input Loop(NOT CURRENTLY USED)--------------------- //repeat //loopBreak=false //employNum=inquireNumber("What is your employee number? (Must input a valid employee Number)") //if (employNum=="") or (employNum<99) then //loopBreak=confirm(cancelMess) //if loopBreak then //nextLoop=false //programCancel=true //endif //else //loopBreak=true //nextLoop=true //endif //until loopBreak //-------------Machine Number Input Loop--------------------- //if nextLoop then repeat loopBreak=false mach=inquireList("Choose CNC Machine (Last Entered: "+curMachID+")","745","667","566") if mach=="" then loopBreak=confirm(cancelMess) if loopBreak then nextLoop=false programCancel=true endif else loopBreak=true nextLoop=true endif until loopBreak //endif //-------------Pallet/Spindle ID Input Loop--------------------- if (mach == "745") and (nextLoop) then repeat loopBreak=false pall=inquireList("Choose Pallet/Spindle ID (Last Entered: "+curPalletID+")","1","2") if pall=="" then loopBreak=confirm(cancelMess) if loopBreak then nextLoop=false programCancel=true endif else loopBreak=true nextLoop=true endif until loopBreak endif //-------------Run Parameter Input Loop--------------------- if nextLoop then repeat loopBreak=false para=inquireList("Select Run Parameters (Last Entered: "+curParaID+")", "Firstoff", "Lastoff", "OIS", "Recheck","Setup","Setup Recheck") if (para=="Setup") or (para=="Setup Recheck") then setupQuestion=confirm("You have selected Setup or Setup Recheck: "+cr()+cr()+"Setup will run the entire program"+cr()+"Setup Recheck will only run whatever is selected in current selection."+cr()+cr()+"This is NOT to be used for anything other than setting up machines. Are you sure this is what you want? Selecting No will allow you to select again, or cancel the run") endif if (para=="") or (setupQuestion==false) then loopBreak=confirm(cancelMess) if loopBreak then nextLoop=false programCancel=true endif else loopBreak=true endif until loopBreak endif //Displays the selections and asks if the operator is happy with them if programCancel==false selectionCheck=executeCode("ICCDialog confirm: 'You selected:"+cr()+cr()+cr()+cr()+"Machine Number: <u><c:red>"+mach+"</u></c>"+cr()+cr()+"Pallet/Spindle Identifier: <u><c:red>"+pall+"</u></c>"+cr()+cr()+"Run Identifier: <u><c:red>"+para+"</u></c>"+cr()+cr()+cr()+cr()+"Is this correct?' asRichText") if selectionCheck==false loopBreak=confirm(cancelMess) if loopBreak then programCancel=true endif else loopBreak=true endif endif until loopBreak //------Skips to here if Cancel is selected at any point in the selection menu's at program start------ if programCancel then message("You have chosen to cancel the program") cncBreak() else //-----------Sets the run based on selection from Run Parameter Loop if (para == "Recheck") or (para == "Setup Recheck") then //Do nothing for now else selectCase para case "Firstoff" setRunID("FullProgram") case "Lastoff" setRunID("FullProgram") case "Setup" setRunID("FullProgram") case "OIS" setRunID("OIS") endSelect endif //-------Sets the header data from the selections chosen by the operator setRecordHead("vda_signature",employNum) setRecordHead("procid",mach) setRecordHead("fixtid",pall) setRecordHead("startcomment",para) endif Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Ri...] Posted January 18 Author Share Posted January 18 Unfortunately, I am forced to use the "Input Parameter" dialog box. Setting a string length like your serial number section, some would just enter 16 characters in a row. ("1234567890123456" or a bunch of underscores, etc...) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Mi...] Posted January 18 Share Posted January 18 Yeah that Input parameter menu is good for honest people but there's not enough ways to actively control it for us. I have to assume everybody is going to be lazy and force inputs. Most of our production CMMs we've actually just removed the keyboards from now and I bring one with me if I need to work on it. Unfortunately PCM doesn't have the best error handling but you can get creative, string length(Equals, Min, max, in-between), the employee number one in the other file looks for a minimum numerical value. All my loops don't allow blanks. The main loop breaks and either sets the variable programCancel. There's no way for the program to run unless everything is filled out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Ri...] Posted January 18 Author Share Posted January 18 I'm going try to send parameter values to specific text files (I know how to do this part), evaluate with VBS, report a "0" for Ok and a "1" for Not Ok. Read the text values (0 or 1) (I know how to do this part too) and prompt the user to re-enter the value if new variable = "1". It will be a single line text file. At creation it will contain the user input string. After VBS evaluation, it will be over written to be "0" or "1". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Mi...] Posted January 18 Share Posted January 18 I'd be curious to see how you do this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Ri...] Posted January 18 Author Share Posted January 18 I am wondering if I can use PCM to run a VBS file? Edit: Probably have to make the VBS file an EXE file. If I skip the PCM section for the VBS file, and force the WorkOrderID.txt file to "1", the PCM code executes correctly. It seems that I can't trigger the VBS file. This is the PCM code. idtest=getRecordHead("u_WorkOrderID") //Get value from Input Parameter dialog box inspPath = getActualInspectionDir()+"\" fileName = "WorkOrderID.txt" //Read WorkOrderID.txt file deleteFile(inspPath+fileName) addToFile(inspPath+fileName,idtest) //Write new Work Order ID value cd=(getActualInspectionDir()) systemCallWithWait(cd+"\"+"ReadWorkOrder.vbs") //Check for IsNumeric. True (0) or False (1), Write new value to WorkOrderID.txt file cd=(getActualInspectionDir()) my_list=readListFile("WorkOrderID.txt") //Re-read WorkOrderID.txt file, "0" = True, '1" = False WorderID=val(getParameterNamed(my_list,1)) //Extract text line1 if WorderID==1 then //If False, propmt user to re-renter value idtest=inquireText("Please enter a propper Work Order Number.") //(Need a loop to test for string length of 7 or greater) setRecordHead("u_WorkOrderID",idtest) endif This is the VBS code. (ReadWorkOrder.vbs) sFolder = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InStrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\") - 1) 'msgbox(sFolder) 'for testing Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set file = fso.OpenTextFile(sFolder & "\WorkOrderID.txt") Dim sWorkOrderID sWorkOrderID = file.ReadLine 'msgbox(sWorkOrderID) 'for testing, display Work Order ID 'file.close If IsNumeric(sWorkOrderID) = true Then 'msgbox("Ok") 'for testing, So I know if True 'Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set file = fso.OpenTextFile(sFolder & "\WorkOrderID.txt",2 ,True) sWorkOrderID = "0" file.WriteLine sWorkOrderID file.close Else 'msgbox("Not Ok") 'for testing, so I know If False 'Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set file = fso.OpenTextFile(sFolder & "\WorkOrderID.txt", 2, True) sWorkOrderID = "1" file.WriteLine sWorkOrderID file.close End if Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Mi...] Posted January 19 Share Posted January 19 Can you simply use systemCall() or systemCallwithWait()? they are for running external programs I'm not sure if they will run a VBS file. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Mi...] Posted January 19 Share Posted January 19 Hi, you can check if optest is Alphabetic, Numeric or AlphaNumeric by // check if optest is Alphabetic executeCode("|checkStr| checkStr:=true. '" + optest + "' do: [ :char | char isAlphabetic ifFalse: [checkStr:=false].]. ^checkStr") // check if optest is Numeric executeCode("|checkStr| checkStr:=true. '" + optest + "' do: [ :char | char isDigit ifFalse: [checkStr:=false].]. ^checkStr") // check if optest is AlphaNumeric executeCode("|checkStr| checkStr:=true. '" + optest + "' do: [ :char | char isAlphaNumeric ifFalse: [checkStr:=false].]. ^checkStr") Here "checkStr:=true." is the initial value and the code do: [ :char | char isAlphabetic ifFalse: [checkStr:=false]. iterates over all characters of the string and set the parameter checkStr to false if one character does not fulfill the condition. Finally "^checkStr" returns the value of checkStr. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Ri...] Posted January 23 Author Share Posted January 23 Does this code force the user to enter an Alpha/Numeric value? // check if optest is AlphaNumeric executeCode("|checkStr| checkStr:=true. '" + optest + "' do: [ :char | char isAlphaNumeric ifFalse: [checkStr:=false].]. ^checkStr") Or will it simply pass if the value is Alpha, Numeric or Alpha/Numeric? In my case, the user will enter a string such as "M001". I had thought I could catch this as below. optest=getRecordHead("u_OperatorName") executeCode("|checkStr| checkStr:=true. '" + optest + "' do: [ :char | char isAlphaNumeric ifFalse: [checkStr:=false].]. ^checkStr") if checkStr==False repeat optest=inquireText("Please enter your Stamp ID. Example: M000.") setRecordHead("u_OperatorName",optest) until checkStr==True endif Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Mi...] Posted January 23 Share Posted January 23 Please sign in to view this quote. You can enter whatever you want. If you enter an alphanumeric string like Teststring1 it returns true. If you enter an non-alphanumeric string like Teststring_1 it returns false, since the character "_" is included. Your code will not work in the present way. The parameter checkStr is only defined and exists inside the executeCode(...) command which just compiles some smalltalk-code. But it es possible to use the same name for a new PCM-Parameter outside of executeCode(...). The following should work: repeat optest=inquireText("Please enter your Stamp ID. Example: M000.") checkStr=executeCode("|checkStr| checkStr:=true. '" + optest + "' do: [ :char | char isAlphaNumeric ifFalse: [checkStr:=false].]. ^checkStr") until checkStr==true setRecordHead("u_OperatorName",optest) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Ri...] Posted January 23 Author Share Posted January 23 I modified it a little, I only want the prompt when checkStr equals false. optest=getRecordHead("u_OperatorName") repeat checkStr=executeCode("|checkStr| checkStr:=true. '" + optest + "' do: [ :char | char isAlphaNumeric ifFalse: [checkStr:=false].]. ^checkStr") if checkStr==false optest=inquireText("Please enter your Stamp ID. Example: M000.") endif until checkStr==true setRecordHead("u_OperatorName",optest) Used as in your example made the user prompt come up regardless of what the user entered in a previous text box. Much appreciation for your input! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
[Ri...] Posted April 5 Author Share Posted April 5 Finally getting a chance to implement this and it doesn't work anymore. optest=getRecordHead("u_OperatorName") repeat checkStr=executeCode("|checkStr| checkStr:=true. '" + optest + "' do: [ :char | char isAlphaNumeric ifFalse: [checkStr:=false].]. ^checkStr") if checkStr==false optest=inquireText("Please enter your Stamp ID. Example: M000.") endif until checkStr==true setRecordHead("u_OperatorName",optest) Ini File related to u_OperatorName. [u_OperatorName] name=Operator editMode=true runMode=false editable=true selectiveList=false kValue=20002 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
[An...] Posted April 10 Share Posted April 10 Made an option without the executeCode function. Reads the current u_OperatorName using getRecordHead Goes through the string, treating it like an array of characters, verifying each character is alphanumeric If all characters are alphanumeric, the string is good to go! If they are not all alphanumeric... alert user the operator name is invalid prompt for new operator name (if no input is entered, cancel the run altogether) set u_OperatorName using setRecordHead, in case things work out start over checking the newly input name Does not verify a specific length for the operator name, aside from being non-zero. Try this: optest = getRecordHead("u_OperatorName") repeat // Start assuming we're good, in each repeat of this loop. checkStr = true // Loop through the character array (string) character by character // - logical AND between true and the result of isAlphaNumeric on the current character // - if it's ever false, there's an invalid character, ask for input for chr_index = 1 to len(optest) checkStr = checkStr and getParameterNamed("optest", chr_index).isAlphaNumeric next chr_index if len(optest) == 0 then checkStr = false endif // If an invalid character was found, prompt for input. Could also be: checkStr == false if not checkStr then message("Operator Name Invalid.") optest = inquireText("Please enter your Stamp ID. Ex: M000") setRecordHead("u_OperatorName", optest) // If no input was given, cancel run completely. (Also break out of possibly infinite loop.) if (len(optest) == 0) or (optest == "") then message("Input not entered. Cancelling run.") cncBreak() endif endif until checkStr alphanumeric user input.txt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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