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Probe crash at change


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Can someone explain to me why at every probe change the RDS/Vast-XXT head rotates to a random A/B position. Every other Zeiss machine that I have used does nothing after the probe change. I have checked all of the approach parameters. Even if I put in an approach parameter (before or after), the A/B head still rotates to random position after it goes to where I set the approach parameter to. This causes a major problem, as some of the probes are long enough that they hit the probe rack, or the column of the machine. Is there a setting that tells the machine not move after the probe change? I even went so far as to create an entirely new probe, and the head rotated to A90 B-90 immediately after the probe change.

Contura 9/18/8
Calypso 2022
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I believe the behavior is either it rotates to last manually qualified tip or it may just be the tip that was active when the qualification window was closed.

Typically I suggest to always come back to tip #1 (which is usually A0B0) and perform a geometry requalification, then close the window.

I also believe it is retroactive as well, so if you go back into the manual qualification window and perform these steps, it should correct it for you.

Give it a shot. I hope it helps.
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I believe it rotates to the last created stylus.
One thing you can do is change the approach parameter and increase the distance on the Y axis. That way it moves far back on the Y axis so when it rotates, there's clearance and won't hit the rack.
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