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Defining Composite Tolerance


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Hello everyone,

Could you please explain how to define composite tolerance to calculate a surface profile? When I try to check composite tolerance checkbox, it doesn't show how to relate different tolerance values.I could not achieve a representation of tolerance definition(it is more like a single segment tolerance) similar to defined in technical drawing.

Many thanks,

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due to technical limitation (in short our labels, tables are not capable to report different result in one element; of course we are planing to enhanced this sometime in the future) in the GOM software you have to split an composite tolerance into separate checks. Nevertheless the computation is still done according to the corresponding ASME standard but you have to specify if you checking a PLTZF or FRTZF.


The difference between Single Segment Tolerance and Composite Tolerance and how to evaluate it with the GOM software are discussed into our online help, too. Therefore please have an look.


Best regards

Christoph Schult

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Hello Christoph,

Thanks for the help. So you mean that we need to use separate checks and i guess also need to read results from top to bottom as mentioned in online help. If it uses the same computation metholodology and only difference on check representation, then there is no problem. If you can do this improvement in the future, it would be useful because it can be confusing to read and interpret the results in this way.

Many thanks,


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