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Solved: Help using Planner


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I have Planner, which I haven't used extensively, but now that I need to use it, it seems like the intuitive way to use it doesn't work. If I use it to create a measurement plan, do I need to "manually" pick up the base alignment by clicking points on the workpiece? After trying that, I get lots of collisions because the simulation puts the stylus' ball center on the spot where the points should be taken. (The strategies of the features in my Base Alignment consist of only single points.)

If someone could provide a little direction, that would be great!

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Hi Aaron,

It sounds like your MasterProbe may have pulled in with a 0mm radius. Try changing your MasterProbe radius to 4mm if you're using an active head or 2.5mm if you're using an XXT (you can look at your actual CMM to see the radius of the Master if you're unsure). You can change this under Resources - Stylus - Stylus System Management then the Geometry option under MasterProbe. If that doesn't work, ensure the rest of your stylus have the correct radius listed as well.

Thank you!
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Thanks, all, for your suggestions! It seems part of my issue was that, when I manually picked up the base alignment (not in the run), I had a stylus system in the probe head that was different from the one prescribed for the BA features, and through some glitch, Planner let me pick it up that way. Then, it allowed me to run it that way.
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Touch points. You're right. If I had tried to use space points, that would explain the collisions I'm seeing. (I'm not sure Calypso would let me set up stratigies with nothing but space points, though. It probably requires strategies to be formulated to gather enough data points to resolve the geometry of the feature.)
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