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Best way to export measurement fields for every stage


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Hi All

I have struggled with this problem for a while, and I really hope someone can help me to figure it out. I want to export the measurement fields(eg. displacement fields, strain fields) for all the stages. The first thing I tried to do is export -> stage data -> csv, and it generated the results I need, but the problem is that the export process is very slow. If I have several hundred stages, it can eventually take more than one day. I have stated this problem in these forum (https://forum.gom.com/topic/355-speed-of-exporting-stage-data-of-csv-format/?tab=comments#comment-1055, https://forum.gom.com/topic/374-question-about-exporting-csv-file/?tab=comments#comment-1134), and I am sure this is not a problem with the computer, and each .csv file is fairly small. The another thing I have done is  export -> stage data -> Elements(xml), and this process is pretty fast(less than 1 minute for all cases I tested), but I have no idea how to convert the long strings to numbers in the .xml file(I posted question about it here https://forum.gom.com/topic/594-stage-file-xml-file/?tab=comments#comment-1772). Is there any other better way to export stage data? 




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Hi Si,

you are correct - sadly the csv-stage-data-export is not the very fastest. That is because of the way it needs to pack and export things into xml and then csv (via xsml). The native xml export is much faster as well as the hardcoded uff export. The speed depends on the number of stages, but more on the number and type of elements. Just some point components with some positional checks should go in seconds also for hundreds of stages. If you have (tens-) of thousands of facets and a lot of positions and strains checks the time needed might go up to a (few) second(s) per stage. 
For a deeper analysis of your projects, please contact your local gom Partner. If you provide your (project) data, we might have a chance to analyse your project directly and maybe give you possibilities to save time.



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