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axis mixed up


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The axis of the moving probe seem to be mixed up with relationship to the shown probe on the screen, so in reality when the probe moves up and down along the Z axis, the "shown probe" is moving along the X axis, and visa-versa. The Y axis seems to be unaffected.
Just qualified all probes today.
Why does this happen? I don't recall making any changes to this program, since the last time I ran it, about 2-3 years ago.
It is clear on the picture that the part orientation is correct, well, the XYZ axis are shown correctly, as intended.
Naturally, the probe is running into that part and the program cannot be executed.
Can anyone tell me what to do to fix it?

axis mixed up.JPG

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Go to Plan > Navigation > Block edges

Are the boxes with the circles at the bottom? if not, something has gone wrong with your base alignment.

Redo the manual alignment.

If that doesnt work post a picture of your base alignment
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Did you check Clereance plane in Measurement Plan tab? You may be using the machine's clereance plane instead of clereance plane base alignemnt.
What's the orientation of your part on the machine?
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Here's something that fixes a lot of issues. Not sure it will fix yours, but what can it hurt to try?
Resources > Utilities > Set Base Alignment to Zero. Perform a new manual alignment.
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The clearance plane is referencing the Base alignment in the Measurement tab. The part orientation on the table is exactly as shown on the picture.
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Are you sure that the stylus you are using is the same one displayed in the stoplight?
Could the wrong stylus have been chosen causing the graphic to look wrong? Is it a star probe?
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And the graphics show an upside down "down" probe, I am not even using a down probe here
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Your Base Alignment is flipped. You can likely just go Resources > Utilities > Set Base Alignment to Zero, Then redo the manual alignment and it'll be good. If you check the block edges again after "Set Base Alignment to Zero" you should see the circles move to the bottom.
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yes, after resetting the base alignement (I also did another manual base alignment) to zero the circles moved to the bottom, but now the probe starts moving diagonally upward in the +Z and +Y direction in the CNC mode, on the first approach, so back to the drawing board...
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try using a start alignment with a circle for your Y&Z origins, I've seen where a cylinder not taking the same as programmed causes issues.
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It appears you are using cylinders in your start alignment. Try using the plane from your BA for the spatial and X axis, a circle for Y&Z and the same intersection point for the planar.
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