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Report file size is getting very big and project is becoming laggy. [GOM Inspect Professional 2019]


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Nominal + Mesh data file size is upto 1 GB (complete vehicle data).

But as report pages are created file size is getting very high upto 3 GB with approx 150 page report (approx 250 place holders).

Due to heavy file size, system is becoming laggy.

Please suggest better management of report pages.

Thank you.

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Hello, Mr. Maurya!

To analyse this problem, we will have to take a look at your project. Could you please get in contact with your local GOM partner to establish a save transfer of your project files?

Please refer to me (Thomas Trentmann), so that I can get the project data directly. We also need the information, which GOM software version you are using.

Kind regards,

Thomas Trentmann


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