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Gom Inspect Suite 2020:cant' access to functionality even registered and logged in


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I have just downloaded the free Gom Inspect Suite 2020 Hotfix6(the last version I assume) then I installed the software.Everything went smoothly.

Then I launched the software,I logged in(I registered before).The small circle to the right of the icon indicates the login status.It's green meaning everything is Ok

but in fact I can't create new project,I can't import CAD etc..What's wrong.

Look at the image file attached showing the green circle at top right and the icon :New project(Registration) asking me to be registrated  

Does anyone can help me?Thanks in advance.


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Ich habe ähnliche Probleme. Jetzt habe ich neueste Version auch installiert.

Verbindung über GOM Suite zeigt grün - Verbindung über Proxy ist da - wenn man aber versucht sich einzuloggen - nach mehreren Minuten zeigt Fenster: "You are offline"

Wie soll man sich anmelden?

Letzte Jahre auch immer Probleme mit Anmeldung über firmeneigene proxy Server und Problem scheint immer noch nicht gelöst.


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bitte einmal versuchen, die Einstellungen aus der Systemproxy in die manuelle Proxy einzutragen, ggfs. mit Autorisierung. Nach dem Ändern der Proxyeinstellungen muss die Suite zwingend geschlossen werden (Rechtsklick auf das kleine Icon in der Taskleiste, nicht nur das Fenster der Suite über das X) und wieder geöffnet werden. Dazu gibt es einen kurzen FAQ-Artikel: https://connect.gom.com/display/GKB/GOM+Suite+zeigt+Offline+Meldung

Falls es immer noch nicht funktioniert, melde dich bitte unter support@gom.com




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Nanno,

I see that I'm not alone with my problem of Free Gom Inspect Suite 2020 licence, Viktor has some concerns too.

I read somewhere in Gom FAQ:''The free Basic GOM Software licenses are valid until January 1st of the second year after the initial release.

After this date the GOM Software will automatically be converted to a Viewer, a new activation of this free License is no more possible."

Is that true, we have no more access at Free Gom Inspect Suite 2020 licence ??

Do we have to download the Free Gom Inspect Suite 2021software now? It's a shame because I heard that with the Free Gom suite 2021 the blade functionalities

are no more accessible. 




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Hello Philippe,

it is true, the free license of the 2020 is not available anymore since January 1st. You need to upgrade to the 2021.

if you are missing blade functionalities you will probably find them in the free version of Blade Inspect.




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I downloaded the latest version of GOM Software 2021 and installed. I got GOM ID, registered and logged in. I click on the GOM Correlate tab in GOM Suite. I click on the free license request, the blue dots circle around the screen and nothing happens.

Can anyone help me if you also faced such a problem?

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I'm having the same issues with GOM Inspect, in being logged in and not able to get a license.  This is new, I was able to get a license on Tuesday.  Then Wednesday I could not login at all through GOM Suite.  

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Hello Christine,

As you suggested in your post, I checked the firewall settings and unblocked the CodeMeter License Server service 'CodeMeter.exe'. Unfortunately, it didn’t solve my problem.

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For the login problem, please update to the current Suite V2.1, that has been released recently. Did you try to request a license on another computer or did you try to request a different license as you requested before?

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Dear TB, we encountered that in rare cases a free license request cannot be resolved proper, you might be affected as you did not describe connection/ firewall problems.
The issue will be fixed in the upcoming Hotfix 4. 

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I'm updated to Suite v 2.1.1138.0.  I don't have another computer to try requesting a free license on, the other computer I use has the dongle from our scanner. 

I had to have the hard drive replaced on my computer.  Our IT department had me test out gom before the installed it into my laptop and I was able to successfully request a free license.  Once the harddrive was installed into my laptop I was unable to login at all.  Now I can login, but when I request the free license I just see the blue spinning balls and nothing happens.

Edit: Sorry, I meant to Quote the reply from Christine

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Dear Andrea, 

If I understand correct, you already used GOM Inspect free on that computer and now after exchange of the hard-drive it is not possible to receive a GOM Inspect free license or a different license like GOM Volume Inspect? I assume you checked the access to the License Central. Is any license shown if you open up codemeter v7.21? 
If the suggestions in here do not help please collect Support Data within the GOM Suite/Maintenance and get in contact with your GOM Partner.

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  • 3 months later...

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Hi Nanno

I am having the same issues. I have now downloaded the GOM Software 2021 but the issues persist. How would I go about obtaining a free licence?



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Hi all,


i've also troubles with the current GOM Software 2021 hf5 download. The download starts but ends at 1GB. After that, the download starts over again. I tried different PC's and also different internet connections. Always the same result. --> no complete donload possible, automatic download restart @ 1GB 

best regards


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  • 11 months later...

Hello, I am using this topic because I notice the subject is the same. 

I have logged in. but I can't get Inspect to pass to "start" instead of "viewer"

If I go into All applications  and detect licnses  it does show my GOM viewer, but I cant acess it...


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BTW, I should add that when I start it It still shows as  "Nem project (Registration)

Please advise

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  • 7 months later...

I upgraded the Zeiss Quality Suite, and upgraded to 2023 on our Scanbox yesterday. Friday it would not. Different PC, not a problem. Installed, upgraded on 2 other PC's, but not the Scanbox. Yesterday, 2nd shift could not launch our production programs unless they were logged in with my credentials. Tested with our IT today, he could not launch the program, locked into the viewer. 

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