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Double Check of Calibration Temperature


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I got a call from a customer yesterday who made a small mistake and needed to redo most of a days worth of scanning.

When entering the calibration temperature they forgot to type the decimal point and instead of typing 19.8°C they typed 198°C. The system of course calibrated but set the scale incorrectly and thus needed to recalibrate and scan several parts over again with the correct scale on the sensor.

Since the ATOS 5 is only rated for operating temperatures between 5 and 35°C would it be possible to throw some sort of error or not allow a calibration outside of these temperatures to prevent these simple mistakes from costing time or leading to incorrect evaluations of parts?

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I'll second this motion. We've had the same problem. Especially as our ScanBox internal thermometer has stopped communicating with the software. 

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thank you for your feedback. This is indeed a good idea and improves process safety. I'll file your idea as a software wish.

Matthias Aalto

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