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When you select an Icon, what information is available?


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I am trying to trigger an event for an App I'm writing (EXE file).
It would be cool to be able to know any information of the Icon selected for the run prior to initiating the run.
Can I get the path associated with the icon?
Can I get the File Name?
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The information is there of course, but it's not even clear if Autorun generates some kind of "icon selected" event that you might query.
It could just as well read the information only after you clicked the run button.
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I ended up settling for after the "Run" event that activates Pre-Settings to a text file by users "Stamp ID".
//01.22.24 - Setup Last User information
OpFam=getRecordHead("planid") //Program ID
Opminiselection=miniselection //Mini Plan Name
inspPath2 = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Zeiss\CALYPSO\workarea\inspections\Zeiss 1 Block\Eaton Aerospace\PCM Program\"
//fileName = OpName +".txt"
fileName = OpName+".txt"
addToFile(inspPath2+fileName, OpName)
addToFile(inspPath2+fileName, OpWoID)
addToFile(inspPath2+fileName, OpPartNumb)
addToFile(inspPath2+fileName, OpSerNumb)
addToFile(inspPath2+fileName, OpFam)
addToFile(inspPath2+fileName, Opminiselection)
Then I created a vb.NET App that reads the text file and provides information to the user.
See image: Capture.PNG
The App is opened by the user from a fixed folder location.
The App stays on Top of everything.
The user enters the Stamp ID and clicks on Search.


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