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Mean strain in surface component


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Hi everybody,

I have just downloaded the GOM Software 2021 version, and I can't find where to define a spatial filter to calculate the mean strain of a surface. In the last version, it was possible to define both spatial and temporal filter when creating a surface component, but it seems the spatial filter disappeared in this version.

How do you fix this issue ?


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I am wondering it's gone on your side. When I start GOM Software 2021 the spatial filter for any check (in Explorer: Inspection -> Surface Comparisons -> Surface Component Analyses -> ...) is in the "Properties" pane (right side, Tab key) in the "Filter" tab at "Spatial".


Make sure you select the check in the explorer, not the surface component itself.

If you want to ensure the strains are not just filtered but computed from a larger spatial range, you can define it in the surface component's creation/edit dialog at the same place like in version 2020: Expert parameters -> Strain tensor neighborhood


Please be not confused by the new "Filter" parameters, which is a coordinate filter implemented in version 2021 but not directly linked to the strain computation.

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