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default excel file to different location


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Thanks I will try this. Wont this be universal for all results, all programs? Not that it matters. If I can get the excel data to a "network" file location and out of the "C" drive the engineers are going to be jumping for joy.

Thanks again Daniel

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Try going to

Define Printout
Default Printout / Warning limit
Excel report path

I believe this will be for each individual program.

I hope this helps,

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  • 2 weeks later...
Is there a way to have different programs report to different folders?

Also, is there a way to get it to save without the file opening each time?

Currently, we are saving text files that the engineers are pulling data into excel and then pulling the needed data out of that.
If I can get it to excel first, it will be one less step in their data pulling. But if I can't get it to put the data into separate folders I don't know that the excel report will do what we need.
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Daniel Graves is correct as to setting up save paths.
This is a screen shot of what you get when you open paths window 333_6c7093d86a614c6afe322f8e41ce9cf4.jpg
Before you open program files you will need to establish these paths.
Our network is broken down to teams and in these team folders we have customer folders and in those the individual part numbers and within the work order numbers and so on.
You can see how we do this from the picture.
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If you don't want the file to open each time you can toggle it off in the "multiple Reports" settings, just make sure you have the correct report selected when changing these settings.203_fe1c7bc324416f43e3f4c5f033762f5f.png
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  • 4 weeks later...

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Thank you! This works beautifully! Now I just need to work on updating the excel report to a custom format, I'm a little rusty with excel and .INI files.
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You might want to add a pause to the batch file so it don't try grabbing it before it's there. I just had this issue. You an add this "time out 5" to it. You might be able to reduce the 5 seconds to something less.

taskkill /im excel.exe
timeout 5
set _source="C:\Users\Public\Documents\Zeiss\CALYPSO\workarea\results"
set _target="Z:\Inspection Data\EMS\A-21574-2\18\CMM Exports\"

FOR /F "delims=" %%I IN ('DIR %_source%\*.xls /A:-D /O:-D/T:C /B') DO MOVE %_source%\"%%I" %_target% & GOTO :EOF

I had my excel report formatted but when I updated to Calypso version 6.8.08 and windows 10, it wouldn't work anymore. I had to use the original but it didn't really matter to me. We extract each part measurements and put the measurements in an excel file with all parts measured.
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  • 3 years later...
Hello Jason,
I have done everything you have said and it works great, but I am having an issue. The program I am trying to export to a separate file (for AutoRun) but the reports that keeps getting sent to the file are old reports from days/weeks ago, not the report for the part I am currently running. Am I doing something wrong? how can I fix this? Thank you in advance.
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It sounds like the batch file is doing its job and it is going to the default folder and grabbing what's in there, but the new report is not in there? Make sure you are still exporting your excel report to the default folder. Go to that folder and see if it's in there.

The default location is set under Extras-settings-Environment-paths, "default paths for results files".
Make sure that is the same as what's in your batch file.

That default location did change during one of Calypso revisions, so make sure it matches what's in your batch file. If they do match, go to the default folder and see if the new reports are going in there. What you described could happen if you simply didn't have the check mark next to excel report in the start measurement window or if you execute the batch file with out running the program.
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Yes the batch file seems to be doing its job, the problem I seem to be having is that the excel file is not getting saved to the results folder like it should be. Everything that is being saved is in .txt format. And the excel files that are being pulled are old program reports.. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong
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Go to resources- define report- default report- excel report, and make sure you have the excel report template location selected.

Go to Extras-settings-Environment-paths, "default paths for results files" and make sure the path is to the same folder location that is in your batch file.

When you run the program make sure you have a check mark next to excel report in the start measurement window
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