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If Then function


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I am trying to use a result element to change a result to zero if it is negative. Can someone tell me how to fix this formula or where I can find a list of functions that can be used in a result element.


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Edit: Norberts method is way better
Use a variable.

//in Presettings of the Result Element
result = getActual("Result Element1").actual

if result < 0 then
	result = 0

Then put the variable "result" or whatever you want to call it in the result element formula
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If / then phrases do not work in formula fields, only in PCM parameter fields and files

To get your your desired result without using parameters, use the following alternative:
getActual("Result Element1").actual * ord(getActual("Result Element1").actual >= 0)
This multiplies the value of the first result element with the result of a test on whether it's positive.
Since comparisons return only "true" or "false", you need the ord() function to convert the boolean value into a number (true = 1, false = 0)
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So let me explain (because constructs like this one are extremely useful sometimes):

The formula works in three steps (marked in red):

1.) get the actual value of result element 1:
getActual("Result Element1").actual * ord(getActual("Result Element1").actual >= 0)

2.) Test whether the value of result element 1 is positive (it's the opposite of testing for "negativeness")
getActual("Result Element1").actual * ord(getActual("Result Element1").actual >= 0)

Why test for the opposite? Because we need the correct boolean value for the third step:

3.) Convert boolean result to a number and multiply it with the result of step 1:
getActual("Result Element1").actual * ord(getActual("Result Element1").actual >= 0)

So, if step 1 gives us a positive result, let's say 25.2, then step 2 returns "true". Step 3 converts the "true" to the number "1" and multiplies it with step 1: 25.2 * 1 = 25.2

If step 1 returns a negative number, say -25.2, then step 2 returns "false", which converts to "0" in step 3.
The following multilpication thus gives us -25.2 * 0 = 0
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Norbert: Nice job! I've never thought of that usage for ord(). I will remember that and probably use it sometime.

However in this case a simple max() would do the trick.

max(0,getActual("Result Element1").actual)

If getActual("Result Element1").actual is positive it will be bigger than 0 and the max will return the value. If it is smaller than 0 the max will return 0.
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Some programming languages with automatic datatype conversion even allow you to multiply with the boolean directly. I tried that first, but failed of course. I onlyl recently found ord() in the list of functions.

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Very true. Amazing how even a short piece of code can be optimized even further 😃
Thumbs up!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello. I wonder if it is possible, without the PCM function, to construct a formula that, for example, will check getActual("Result Element1").actual > getActual("Result Element2").actual and if it is true, it will substitute getActual("Result Element3"). actual and if not, it will substitute getActual("Result Element4").actual. Do you have any idea for this?
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I solved this problem using patterns in Result Element. Before I tell you how I did it, let me explain why I needed it. Well, I had the Max and Min dimensions selected from a certain number of points. Of these points, I had to choose the one that was the furthest from the deviation, for example 2. Therefore, I needed to calculate the absolute value for the Min and Max dimensions. And when I already knew the absolute value of the farthest deviation, I needed to replace it with the Min or Max deviation corresponding to the largest absolute value. For this purpose I used the function:

1 Max Result
2 Min Result

3 Result Element Absolute value Max
4 Result Element Absolute value Min
5 Result Element ORD Max
getActual("Max").actual * ord(getActual("War Bez_Max").actual >  getActual("War Bez_Min").actual)
6 Result Element ORD Max
getActual("Min").actual * ord(getActual("War Bez_Max").actual <  getActual("War Bez_Min").actual
7 Deviation
It is possible that there is an easier way to determine this deviation, but I haven't found it yet. I will add that I do not have the PCM function.

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This is a PCM solution but the last line is everything compressed in a single line which can be written into a single resultelement.

//Get the two values
Value1 = getActual("MAX").actual
Value2 = getActual("MIN").actual

//Create a list with the absolute values. indexOfMaxValue will give you the index of the largest absolute value (the biggest deviation).
WorstIndex = list(abs(Value1),abs(Value2)).indexOfMaxValue

//The worst value with its sign will be the same index of the same list but without the absolute values
WorstValue = getParameterNamed(list(Value1,Value2),WorstIndex)

//Now this can be substituted into one single long formula in a result element
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