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Frequent freezes


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Yesterday I started having freezes, lock ups or w/e you want to call it, mostly when I start Calypso but it also just happened at the end of a run after saving results. I have seen a small window containing a "loading bar" all green 100% with titles like "Find Valid Licenses", "Consume Licenses" and "Progress..." upon start up. The only thing on the screen when i click the Calypso icon and it freezes is the small window with the above phrases and the Calypso logon window but none of the buttons work. I see nothing on the status window referencing anything. The only way out of it is thru task manager, sometimes it will start right after, sometimes i have to reboot.

Some recent background: A few weeks ago replaced the computer and now running Win10, 64G Ram, NVIDIA RTX A2000, upgraded to version 7.6.0406 service pack 1, on Monday 11/6/23 installed curve/freeform, qualified stylus systems yesterday and attempted to add a second monitor with no success(even called IT and they couldn't help remote, so they escalated to local IT to come look at it). I can't imagine anything with the monitors has anything to do with it, but....

Also its an Accura 2 with Vast XXT RDS

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated as its becoming nearly unusable.
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Within the last 6 weeks this has started happening on our Zeiss PC here. We haven't had this happen on version 5.6.24 but seems to happen frequently (~3 times a shift) on version 7.2. Ive opened a ticket with Zeiss and we were planning on trying to reinstall Calypso to try and fix the issue however due to production schedules here we haven't been able to do this as of yet.
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Thanks Jeff,

I'm pretty sure that was the problem. However, in the knowledge base in the description for uninstalling that part of the NVIDIA package it is called nview, but in my version it is called NVIDIA RTX Desktop manager. You can disable it by right clicking the desktop>NIVIDIA RTX Desktop manager and in the manager window there is a button to enable/disable the manager. I clicked disable and Calypso started flawlessly. But if i have further problems i will uninstall it all together and it does show up as NVIDIA RTX Desktop Manager in add/remove programs, not nview.

Thanks so much!
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Yes. RTX Desktop manager has the functions of nView integrated. ZEISS PCs do not come with RTX cards so that driver package and software install is not typical.

I personally installed it and experienced the issue you described several months ago. The intent was to test the AI "eye tracking" module but it is unavailable without an RTX card specifically.
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