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Datum Structure


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Per the snap shot of datum C, its referencing the inside wall of a slot. Only thing is this is the back wall is one end of a slot. The cut thru is through the center of said slot. How do I make the back wall of the slot datum C? I can make the diameter into a cylinder but of course that moves my Y cord to the center of the Cyl. Would I be better off making a 3d line centered in the slot and scan from top to bottom of the center outside radius?
If this doesn't make sense let me know I can drop in more screen shots.

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How is Datum C used? How certain are you about the feature ? If the leader is attached to the surface, a F.O.S it could be the entire wall which could constrain 5 D.O.F and all positions of the sockets..
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I meant a 2D line yes I mis typed

C is only used for location apparently as the print shows no dimensional are called back to C. Well there is one a TP of a plane back to ABC but that's about it

crazyyyyyy dwg
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