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Misaligment with STP file


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Good Morning,

I am having trouble aligning with a new .stp file. I set my alignment with two perpendicular features. The initial Manual alignment will not run and the program crashes as if I had physically crashed the stylus.
any tips would be greatly appreciated.
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Yes I am sure I used the correct stylus. After I measured the first feature (the inside cylinder) the program would crash as if I physically crashed the stylus (it was not touching the part at the time) and end the manual alignment. I suspect there is an issue with the stp file.
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It looks as if you have edited your BaseAlignment AFTER creating features from the model under a different alignment. If you ever need to make edits to your BaseAlignment, it is critical that you select "CREATE NEW..." BaseAlignment or any translation from original to edited form will translate features accordingly. This is an important tip to all new programmers: Do NOT "EDIT" your BaseAlignment once it has been established. This is the easiest way to cause you to start your entire program over if you can't determine how to shift features back to previous nominals.

Blake -
ProTip: Rather than use the Cylinder1 to determine your Spatial, utilize your X origin planar feature. This prevents a miscalculation of the space axis direction which also may have occurred here. Once you have run the part once and the proper alignment has been measured on the machine in a CNC run, you can switch back to Cylinder1 as your Spatial if you prefer for the sake of calculation.
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These are the results of the initial alignment. I went straight to the measurement tab after loading in the CAD and selected my features during the new alignment. I also loaded in a new one under a fresh measurement plan to use the two perpendicular planes instead and I got the same result.

I have opened up a ticket with the Zeiss Customer Interaction Center and will post the solution here asap
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I created your geometry.
Cylinder1 as Spatial.
Plane2 as X axis
Cylinder1 as Y, Z axis
Plane1 as +Y axis.

This created a correct Base Alignment with no projection errors of the Trihedron.
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I would start fresh:
Import model
Transform it to coincide with machine axis
Program alignment, verify the Trihedron appears correctly
Use a manual Start alignment using plane as Jeff suggested(not cylinder)
Let cmm run base alignment.
Note, clearance plane is based on alignment
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This could be a CAD model source/conversion issue:
1 - Does using the OD vs the ID have any different effect.

2 - Does healing the model prior to querying geometry have any effect?
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I don't know how big is your program - if it's on beginning, then just extract elements from model and make new base alignment.
If you have bigger program, your extracted features are on correct spot and suddenly model moved, then manually move model to correct position.

But redoing program is best option.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I will try to summarize some points.
  • Model and extracted features are not on same spot
  • Base alignment can have an issue - i'll explain later
  • Axis on BA is irrelevant for now
Now is only option redo whole program OR move model to correct spot ( can be done by extracting features and adjusting model position by comparing nominal values )

First - let's talk about BA:
Using cylinder as "Spatial rotation" can be used ONLY if you use "START ALIGNMENT" where you use 2 separate circles recalled into 3D line.
Hear me out - by using 2 circles you can manually with great certainty locate center axis and direction. Many times i manually scanned cylinder and then it reverted axis direction - maybe not so common, but it happens.
You DON'T NEED to use START ALIGNMENT on CNC-run - but it really helps with initial locating part.
Then when is machine doing CNC measuring of cylinder, it's usually with right axis direction - had no problems whatsoever.

And one tip outside of scope of this problem.
Whenever you face a problem with rotated blocked edges ( playing with axis on BA can lead to them ) - you can correct it with manually running alignment. Done it a few days ago with simple alignment - Spatial - cylinder +X / Planar - perpendicular line ( sphere and main cylinder )
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