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Command for Qualifying Data?


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Hello Florian,

im not sure if i got it correctly, you mean the Standard Deviation?
Could place this in a results element.


There are also other commands for the Stylus, which all work in the same way then above. 🙂
	.probe Force
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Hi Carsten,
thank you for the list but this commands only return the actual calibration data.

I talk about the first qualifying data.

We use the "Limit Values" for each Stylus.
After CNC calibration with a characteristic "Probing system qualification" Calypso compares the actual calibration data to the first qualifying data.
If it´s outer limit the characteristic feature is painted in red. The operator needs to know which limit is exeedet.
The only information he gets, is on the default report.
But we need a simple result on the protokoll and .dfq with nominal and acutal values.
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