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Merge of Statistic Table


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Is there a way to merge induvial statistic tables into one output?

I have 3 curves (in this example), each with the same tolerance covering different apertures. Is there a way to take the 3 individual statistics table and "merge" them into one output. 

I have tried creating a edge curve that includes all 3 apertures in one however it doesn't fit the grey value correctly and causing errors of ±30 mm. The only way i've found to avoid this is by creating individual edge curves on each aperture. 

Many Thanks




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Dear Kris,
as far as I know out of the box this is not possible, I'll take this as software wish.
An approach could be to combine these elements as group elements and
create user defined checks where the results e.g. "portion_of_negative/positive_pass" of each inspection curve can be combined.

Please have a look at https://techguide.gom.com/en/article/cmd_comparison_check_scalar_construct_user_defined.html.


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