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Changing Employee Names


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Using older Calypso software and have had a few employees come and go. Would like to be able to edit/change names in the drop down when different employees are running the programs. That way they don't have to keep typing in their names and can pick from the drop down window.


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You need to edit your userfields.ini file. It is just a text file that contains your userfield data such as drop down texts and selection options. In modern versions of CALYPSO this is located at;


Your version is under the old filepath designation but the structure is the same.
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Despite this being unrelated to the current topic, I will go ahead and reply here in case someone in the future stumbles across this while searching: QS-Stat is a part of QDAS, an outside software owned and produced by Hexagon. It is not a part of Calypso, nor has it ever been. The interaction between Calypso and QDAS is only that Calypso can produce files usable by QDAS, which is what the QS-STAT interface does(see page 11 of the attached document). This interface is built into Calypso but requires a license.


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