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Cutting mesh debris automatically after scaning _


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I made some program / project it scans my part and cuts the debris of mesh witch i do not need to use. 

Its very usefull becouse i do not have to do it myself and also it allways gives me good prealignment so i do not have to fix anything. 

It's super but ... i forgot how i did it...  


We allways do projects witch works like: scan, polygonize, cuting mesh debris, checking prealignments, checking others mistakes made by Atos on mesh on small things. 

I'm showing some example of how it is usually after skaning and polygonize and how it works in one of programs/projects just if i do not write it in good way. 

Can you tell me here what should i do ? is it not too much ? 




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Hi Damian,

It seems like there is still a plane with chunk data left to be deleted. So the data around the cylinder form should be deleted, right?

If the answer is yes, try to select the data with the use of the selection tools in our software, e.g.  Edit > Selection in 3D > Geometry-Based Selections > Select Plane-Based. Select the plane in the 3D view. Thereafter delete the data via Edit > Delete Selected 3D Area.


Best regards,



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for "automatic" deletion on measurement data we usually offer different Cutout possibilities:

  • Cutout against a plane (measurement data under the defined plane is removed automatically from the scan data)
  • Cutout against a CAD (which needs an initial alignment)



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