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Bilateral with Unequal Distribution (two results)


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I'm just having a little difficulty understanding how to key this into Calypso. Some help would be appreciated.

Datums...Datum A is the right wall and Datum B is a hole up through the right side 729_7ad54e16837009a8840d82d9b8d3dcb9.png
Am I correct that .22 is my "Tolerance" and .060 is my "tolerance (one side)".?
Should I be using "with two results"?
The inside outside switch...I can't tell which is which..?
And lastly, if the .06 is my "tolerance one side" should it be a negative?

Thanks in advance guys
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In 14.5 a profile call out 0.3 U 0.1 A B C adds this: 729_75542c0fe94d08aea8e01097c9532c66.png
This makes me unsure as to how to enter the data into Calypso
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You are correct. Your total tolerance is the .22. You have .06 in the direction that will add more material.

The inside/outside tag should be straightforward to read. The black curve is the part surface. The teal is the part itself. Pay attention to the direction of the arrow.

One result/Two results depends on how you like to report profile. One result will do something like double the largest deviation (double check the help file) and two results will report max deviation on either side of the mean. You have more "control" or understanding by reporting two results but one result is more pass/fail.
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.030 total
.030 in the direction that will give more material
0 in the direction that will give less material (into the part)
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  • 4 years later...
Hello I have a part like in picture.
I'm struggling in understanding what the tolerance of the marked slots should be...
If I understood you right this given tolerance is telling me that the profile of the slot should be 0.01mm in the material (removing material) and the rest of 0.002mm outside of the material.

But the slot (closed one, or full) has two sides, so is the tolerance of the width of the slot then 5.02mm at max and 4.996mm at min?
The other side (length of the slot) is: 19.966mm nominal, so the minimum size of the slot should be 19.962mm and maximum length of the slot should be 19.986mm, is that correct?

Also, the other slot (open or half slot) has two sides of width and only one side of length, so are then minimum and maximum dimensions of the slot as follows:
width: nominal 5mm, minimum 4.996mm, maximum 5.02 mm (same as full slot)?

length: nominal 12.466mm, minimum 12.464mm (because there is only one side of the slot here or 1 radius) and maximum 12.476mm


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