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Contura (htg) owners


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Posting this here since I suspect that the hardware part dont have the same traffic.

Anyone out there that has one or several conturas out on the workshop floor. Have you experienced any issues? Long or short term.

Duramax is too small, fortis too accurate (expensive) for the type of use.
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I think the newest generation of Conturas are industry-leaders for their market segment, and I am am big fan of them. I would recommend equipping it with a VAST sensor if possible. It's a worthwhile upgrade.
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There are thousands of these out in workshop floor environments. Many are in 24/7 production automation environments. I spoke with a user of a 2007 model last week that had been running production automation on their shop floor continuously since new. Obviously the specific environment may require additional considerations (ie - don't run any CMM in a carbon electrode facility without an enclosure). Effects of dirt/oil/grease/temperature should always be considered regardless of the CMM.

The completely redesigned 6206 model is a significant improvement over the previous G3 model as well. They are MASS capable and RT ready so your sensor selection is expanded considerably.

What measuring envelope do you require? A Spectrum in a temperature controlled enclosure is a very common, cost-effective choice as well.
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