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Either all programs contain formulas or PCM code using a parameter named cmmNb or there's an external PCM file in the inspection folder containing that parameter. Either way, the program seems to need it, but for some reason it's not defined, i.e. contains no data. Check the formula(s) of the element mentioned in the error message.
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Go to your inspections directory (usually ...\workarea\inspections\ ) and check if there exists any of the following files:


BTW which Calypso version are we talking about?
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You have referenced a parameter in a PCM file or Parameter file that is not recognized or defined.

Open Notepad++ (download it if you don't have it, it is a great tool). Perform a "Find in Files.." search the entire "workarea" directory of Calypso7.2. If you are only using a single version of CALYPSO then the directory will be sans "7.2". The search may take 3-5 minutes and may present an error when it encounters CAD models, simply click "OK" and it will skip the large files and continue on.
This search will present all instances of cmmNB and allow you to view where that is being referenced (which is not a standard CALYPSO variable so this is very likely something created internally by one of your programmers)

My guess is in a "inspection_start_pcm.txt" or "inspection_post_load_pcm.txt" but thats only a guess.
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I found cmmNb in ''inspection_start_pcm'', it is part of:


if cmmNb=="000000" then

But what then? I have tried to delete second lines, which cause different error when try to execute some feature.
And yes Jeffrey - it was created by very good Calypso programmer, who is unfortunatelly not work here anymore...
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This code looks like it is determining whether the license in use is Planner or a live CMM.
The numeric value "000000" is the standard Planner CMM serial number, otherwise, the 6 digits would be the last 6 digits of your live CMM.
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It looks as if the code wants to check the CMM serial number and in case it's "000000" asks you if you work in Simulation (because Sim. stations have no serial number). The variable name would support that theory (cmmNb = 'CMM Number'?)

BUT Calypso has its own protocol header variable containing the serial number ('dmesn') which could easily be queried with getRecordHead("dmesn").

So either the programmer had good reason to use his own variable instead, but then there must exist another part of code somewhere, which does something like cmmNb=getRecordHead("dmesn")
If that is true, maybe that code part is missing for some reason, which is causing the error.

OR cmmNb is something else.

Does the file contain more occurences of cmmNb? If so, please post the corresponding lines.
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I leaned on the portion you show, but also this code determining "Simulation" or not. The below segment would generate a dialog box with a Yes and No selection.

You have more code that would need to be reviewed to see a solution.
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Since you've stated that it happens in all programs, even new ones, I don't think you'll find the problem anywhere in the inspection or inspset files, but only in an external PCM file.

Are there any more occurences of cmmNb in the inspection_start_pcm.txt file you posted earlier? If not, then most likely there was once another PCM file somewhere in the inspections folder, which contained the definition of cmmNb, but is missing now.
The first thing I would do now is search for any files ending on ....pcm.txt in the whole inspections folder and subfolders (if the Notepad++ search did not already do that). Maybe it only got moved to a subfolder by accident. If that search also yields no results, then it may have got deleted.

Another thing to check: Open a measurement plan that is failing and go to Plan -> Advanced -> Parameter.
Enter the following line: cmmNb="502XXX"
Where XXX is whatever number your live CMM has. Click OK and try to run the plan. If it still fails, post all error messages you get.
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I would advise posting the whole inspection_start_pcm.txt file or sending to me directly to review. There is obviously more here as the inquire() command does not have an action related that is shown here. There should be a command related to qSIMResults if true/false later.

Search for any text files in the Calypso directory containing *pcm.txt There may also be a "readPCMfile" or another file read command in the PCM file that opens a text/parameter file in an alternate directory that wouldn't otherwise load natively.

Also to clarify, some stated that "000000" refers to a Planner seat. This is partially true. SN "000000" simply indicates Simulation mode. A "CNC" seat that is set to "Simulation" in the CMM connection settings will return a getRecordHead("dmesn") == "000000".

Easiest way to circumvent this is add
to the top of the inspection_start_pcm.txt file
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