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Creating small circle on a torus (on a plane)


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Normaly it would be simple, you would just use Intersection function, select Torus and select plane at which you would want to cut this torus (choose result in a process, with or without shell function) and that would be it, but you cant choose Torus in intesection construction.

So, how can I create a small circle on a torus?
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Thanks for the reply, but now I've got newly created circle which needs measurements, but I have already measured Torus and now want to extrapolate that circle from it...
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Assuming you measured the torus using Small Circle Paths. Open the circle, under options, select Recall Feature Points. Right-click on Torus and select Open. Select one of the paths. Click OK.
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I don't have / don't see option for selecting which circle I want to recall, I only see big torus circle (large circle diameter) when I recall that's what I get, large circle which I do not want to recall..

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secondary radius (I know how to get it to calculate small or large circle radius but I want specific circle(or elipse on a torus)).
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You need to use small circles to get this to work. However, you can combine both large and small circles to measure torus.
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How did you measure the torus? What was your strategy?

In almost every instance I have seen, measuring the 3D torus feature is unnecessary and only the subsidiary radius is required. In which case the proper method was described earlier by Tom.

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If you are looking to utilize your current data, this is dependent on the strategy you utilized. If you used multiple subsidiary radii scans around the primary diameter then recalling a single segment is achievable.
Features > Circle > Recall Feature Points > Right click on Torus > Open... Select a single scan. This will be "D2"

If you used primary radii scans then you will have to create intersection points with a plane using each individual segment then create a circle from those intersection points.
1. Features > Circle > Recall Feature Points > Right click on Torus > Open... Select a single scan (this will give a large circle that more closely coincides with "D1" - Repeat for all scans.
2. Features > Plane > Theoretical Plane > Input criteria to make plane perpendicular to your torus so an intersection would give "D2"
3. Construction > Intersection > Plane + D1 Circle - Repeat for all created Recalled circles.
4. Features > Circle > Recall (maybe Feature Points - try both) > Select all intersection points.

If you utlized any other type of strategy this likely gets a bit more difficult and I advise remeasuring using a proper strategy if possible.

In the future, it is just easier just to measure the subsidiary radius directly.
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