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Troubles with GOM Suite


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Dear fellow GOM users,

I am attending in an Additive Manufacturing Seminar and need to do a project using GOM Inspect.

I run 64 bit Windows 10 Pro via bootcamp on a 2009 Mac Pro. (2.27Ghz 8core - 8GB RAM).

When I try to login on the suit it just doesn't comply. But it doesn't give me an error, to know what's wrong.

When I choose GOM Inspect VIEWER I get this:

"Error. The application could not be started (STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN)."

Re-downloaded and re-installed Suite. Proxy is green.

Anything else I sould look into?

Anyone dealt with this issue before?

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I have not had that issue, but have had issues logging in. I was instructed to close the suite window by right clicking on the GOM logo in the top left, then reopening and logging in. After two attempts you might get an error, but ignore it as I was and try to log in again. This should get you in, but it might also take a couple times. I still have to do this when logging into my workstation in the lab. 

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At some point I did log in. I don't know what I did differently. BUT the error message continued and I couldn't run Inspect. I pressed on a button marked Licence request (if I remember correctly) but nothing happened.

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SOLVED. I'll just note everything I did. Maybe they are relevant, maybe not. A) I left the computer open for sometime (15-20minutes) before I try. B) Every time I opened the suite as administrator. C) Tried 4 times to Log in. After every attempt I would close the program and reopen it (as administrator). Finally it did log in. D) requested a free license 3 times before it worked. E) Then opened Inspector and worked just fine on the first try.


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