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Output Error


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Hello Zeiss World,
I'm hoping someone with wisdom can help me with this issue. On all of our programs we output two reports. One is a generic report and one is a report we designed using PIWeb Designer. On one of our programs we are seeing the below error message and neither report is generated. Nor is it outputting the data to our PIWeb server so that we can use it for process improvement. We set everything up exactly the way we did on the other programs but this particular program is giving us the error blues. Does anyone know what this error means? 5904_97ec168da09d352eb1ae2c7bfaecfcc1.png
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Review the characteristics in this program and look for two with the same name or an odd character in the name. It appears there is an error writing to the PiWeb DB due to a name and it appears to be a duplication error.

If you cannot locate a duplicate name, try removing the PiWebDatabase from the PiWebDatabases directory (C:\Users\Public\Documents\Zeiss\CALYPSO\workarea\PiWebReportingDatabases). Just copy/paste it elsewhere and try running the program again. The DB may have been corrupted by a previous existence of a duplicate characteristic that has since been corrected.

If this does fix it, you may be able to go into the database using Reporting+ and deleting the duplicate entry causing the error then restore the file to its previous location to maintain your previous run info. But dont start there until you verify the DB is the issue.
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