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Extrapolation of the meshing near crack tip


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Hi all,

I was trying to get the displacement filed in the red line. In the intial stage, it's ok. However, due to the crack propagation, it's impossible to get the displacement values in the red line.

I think it's possible to extrapolation the displacement field but I'm new at using Gom software. Does anyone know how to do it? It would be grateful if you have templates.

Thanks in advance.


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Hi Lujin,

extrapolation is not possible. If the signal in the current situation in a facet is not sufficient to be matched with its reference you have a loss of data at these points as you can see in your images. Maybe you could have a look at the facets and their size and distance if you want to know more, but in general the pattern you used looks not that bad. The standard facet sizes are 19px (size) and 16px (distance).

What you can also do as an evaluation strategy: define the facet field in a late stage of your test, where the crack is (mostly) visible and propagated. You can then use the polygon selection to get as near to the crack as possible. Then calculate the project and set the reference stage to the first stage. This should get you much more near to the crack. We have some other strategies to evaluate cracks using sections along and perpendicular to the crack. But maybe you could contact your local gom-partner for more deeper help here. ?

Hope this helps you further. Best,


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Hi Thorsten,


Thanks for your reply.

I also tried different facet size and distance, it seems that the best mesh is as the figure above.

About the extrapolation, I don't know if it can be achieved by scripting. It's like polynomial fitting.

Of course, we can do some post-data processing however it would be somehow complicated.




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In other words, is it possible to get the all measured value (like z-displacemnt) and corresponding coordinates? 

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