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How to extract internal Plane coordinates?


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I'm curious about your method here. I looked in measurement plan editor, and didn't see the coordinates available there.. Those coordinates usually would remain static since it is only the strategy. I use formulas to get actuals of a bore, or OD to dynamically follow another feature. What are you planning ?
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The circle path is choosing the center of the plane.

Take your X value (.292) plus half of Length1 (.155) = .447

Take your Y value (-.602) plus half of Length2 (.155) = -.447
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I am OCD with geometry, it has to be perfect. 👩‍🏫
I have Datum targets that are Ø.31 (Inch) with specific locations.
I want to report that the targets are at the exact locations without using Result Element's which basically shows a value I decide or is dependent on a calculation.
These Datum targets are required for targeting and reporting.
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ok, that makes sense. I usually have my datum structure in an iterative alignment to correct my vectors and targets so they are sampled as close as possible. I guess you would need to report those actuals, relative to the datum coordinate system ??
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