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Profile of FFS to a FFS


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Any suggestions for setting up a surface profile of Freeform Surface2 to FFS1? Would I make an alignment from within FFS1 and use it for the datum reference in the profile? If so, what settings are required for the alignment?

If you need more info, let me know so I can get it for you.
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Can you show an example of the callout? It mainly depends on what FFS1 would be constraining - what degrees of freedom are allowed to translate/rotate.

Setting up the alignment inside the FFS is essentially like when you setup a Geometry Best Fit.
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I don't have a drawing yet so I don't have any specifics just yet. FFS1 is a concave shaped mirrored surface tied to a plane and 2 holes on the base of the part. FFS2 is a convex shaped mirrored surface tied to FFS1. I've attached a screen capture of the concept but not actual part.

Like GBF but with a few extra options???

Screenshot 2023-09-14 100320.jpgScreenshot 2023-09-14 095408.jpg

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