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Multiple Sensors on one CMM


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We have a new CMM (Contura) with multi sensors.

Under the only machine tab setup, it has the RDS XXT, ViScan and DotScan selected at the same time (All three use the RDS Sensor).
I did not know this was possible and with our other CMM it was not setup this way.
When I look at the "CMM Configuration" section under "Probe", it shows the RDS with the DotScan while the sensor physically attached is the XXT.
Needless to say, the system will not connect.
After selecting Connect, it hangs with the Blue Swirl, forever.
Then the Jog Box screen switches to "CMM-OS" and hangs, forever.

Any advice or assistance is appreciated.
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Yikes, sounds frustrating. I would think that other users have run into the same issue.

On a related note, after you get the chance to use the new Contura, I am very interested to hear your take on the effectiveness of using multiple probes/sensors on your Contura. Useful? Repeatability issues? Advantages?

Will you need to requalify stylus systems if you switch between Dotscan and XXT, which both use an RDS? How about between VAST Gold and Dotscan?

I hope the software setup issue gets resolved quickly.
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This is most frequently encountered when the PC is used for offline programming. The RDS carrier should have its own machine tab so that it can interchange between all RDS-connectable sensors mid-program. The VAST head should have its own and a ROTOS should have its own as well.

You do not need to requalify after re-attaching. The dovetail attachment system is very very precise and repeatable.
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I should have elaborated a bit. The Offline relevancy here is that when CALYPSO is placed into "simulation" mode, the active sensor can be changed without physically changing on the machine. When the connection goes back to a CNC connection, the controller to software communication is not aligned and it cannot recognize the active sensor address. A similar situation will occur if you change styli during a simulation run and have the wrong stylus as "active" when a connection is re-established. CALYPSO does not "know" the CMM doesn't have that stylus loaded unless you have chipID enabled.
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Jeff - it seems like he was mainly referring to his RDS setup and it having all three (XXT, ViScan and Dotscan) selected, but that it wouldn't initialize with the XXT attached because it thinks it has the Dotscan.

I don't have a lot of experience with MASS, so I cannot be of much assistance.
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