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I know I've seen this in a forum once upon a time but can't seem to find it now. What use make injection molded parts, and use autorun to execute then program. Currently we tale the data and push it through QC Calc then export from there into an excel template to create our reports because calypso will make a complete report for pallet location one, then move on to the next one. Is there a way to have one exported file for all pallet locations without having to push it through QC Calc or some other 3rd party system? The current setup allows the operators full control of the output. If everyone did things the same ways using the same naming conventions it wouldn't be a problem, but when trying to automate trend analysis it's a nightmare and forces a lot of manual work which otherwise would be automated.
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I would look into PiWeb. The basic comes with new license and there are a couple of levels to "buy" in more options. You could make a custom report, export to an Excel table directly from that. One advantage is the ability to filter and sort using just about any attribute. Statistical ability is also included.

reports pi.JPGfilter.JPG

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