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Full OS drive


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We currently have a Full OS drive on our CMM, but a data drive on the CMM is empty. We don't store data of files when we run programs, but we do use "save measured points". Would Calypso have an issue if we moved the inspection folder to the Data drive where we have a ton more space?


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No issues.

It looks like you are using AutoRun, so you would just need to remap the location for your measurement plans/pictures.

There is somewhat of an easy button in doing this where you can replace part paths.
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We moved all our programs from C: to D: Datadrive and still have 1.25 TB free of 1.81 TB
All the programs run without any hiccups unlike when you try to run it from a company network drive.
After doing this we opened up 46.8 GB of space on C drive and the computer got faster there is buffering space now.
Just as a heads up the computer we have is a Zeiss HP Z420. It came with two hard drives, C with 236 GB of space and
Datadrive D with 1.81 TB of space.
Is your Datadrive D a partition of C drive? If so, and your computer capable, see about installing a second hard drive.

Greg Kozera
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I stared saving the photos used for the programs in the inspection folder so when you move the program the photos would follow. I'm sure I will have a ton where the photos wont follow that was from before.
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I think its a separate drive. The CMM is a 2014 machine and the computer does lag a bit at times. We are going to remove the programs that hasn't been modified in a couple years, and then copy everything over to the data drive.
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  • 2 years later...
Hey, just posting this here because I recently came across the exact same issue and maybe this will help others in the future.

A Zeiss tech sent me this info, some of which I had already performed and the rest I am waiting for my IT to go through so if something goes sideways it wasn't me that did it!

I am hoping we can just migrate everything from the C:Drive to the D:Drive which has substantially more space on it and we wouldn't have to worry about this issue ever again.

Update: It was an indexing error, our IT followed the attached instructions and freed up about 150GB of space and we are back up and running.

CALYPSO - PC Disk Space Full (1).DOCX

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