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CMM Models


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Looks like a proprietary file format. The file header says "ZeissVFF Caligo Model Facet".
I'm pretty sure the ACIS core is able to read it (like it also does with the stylus models contained in SSC files), but unfortunately it doesn't save.

Hmmm.....maybe it's possible to load with ACIS, then save as SAT? This would require to enter the correct commands in the ACIS window. Must investigate.....some day.....when I have time.... 🙁
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Update: ACIS can load the models, but the load command treats them as simulation models from the start. They don't show up in the hierarchy and thus can't be saved in SAT format. Further investigation needed...
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Have you figured out how to extract the models by any chance?
I remember that in one of the older versions of Calypso the models were in .sat or .sab and could be saved normally.
It was some 6.x version.

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They are a VFF format and are proprietary. There aren't any publicly available CAD softwares that will read them or create them.

I'll save you the time, even I am not able to do anything with them.
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That was some time ago. When we're planning out a machining cell with robotics, we use models of all the equipment to verify the layout. Sometimes, the customer wants a cmm, or two, in the cell, so having the model of the cmm makes it more complete.
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If you need models for machines, contact your RSM and they should be able accommodate those needs on a case-by-case basis. The VFF models are not able to be utilized but STP models may be available upon request but they must run through your RSM for coordination with our Engineering departments.
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Can you not just take the .sab files from an older installation of Calypso?

I have opened them in Solidworks and from there you could do anything you like with them.
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