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Probe qualification overwriting probe vector


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I am having a problem with the cnc requalification of a probe. I have an "L" shaped probe that, when rotated to A0.0° B0.0°, points in -Y.

When I import it, it has the vector properly at X0.00000 Y-1.00000 Z0.00000.

Then I do a manual qualification which runs fine, but it overwrites the vector to X0.00000 Y0.00000 Z-1.00000 and grays out the values so they cant be changed. Afterwards if I try to run the cnc qualification program it treats the probe as if it were a -Z and of course bonks onto the probe shaft.
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Just to be perfectly clear...

For that -Y (Front) facing probe... you are probing it in the middle of the +Y(Back) side of the calibration sphere when you do it manually correct?
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I'm pretty sure when I created this type of probe my vectors were X0, Y0, Z-1 at A0B0.
When qualifying I probed from the axis direction of the stylus.
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One suggestion I would have is to probe off center, just far enough to make it ask you for the angle.

Then you correct both angles to 0 if this is a straight -Y facing probe.

I always use this technique when doing any kind of angled probe, I don't even try to probe on the correct angle and just input the correct values after. However I have also used it to at least start with the correct angle with probes that aren't cooperating.
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There is something very odd going on that I don't understand. This is how mine is in simulation (I didn't build so maybe something is setup wrong?): 3090_d71edae366cc9826dd5aba0676f3fba9.png

But once I export it and go over to the cmm, and qualify it, that's when it changes over to the -Z vector and greys them out. It qualifies just fine when manually started. Its just the CNC qualification then treats it like a straight down probe.
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I recall sending you one or two SSC files for an "L" probe setup.
Did you use them or have issues qualifying?
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Yes, now I remember. You qualified it with the probe in the -Z direction so your vectors would be X0/Y0/Z-1. The original poster's probe is in the Y direction. Now, the question is when using an L stylus do you have to qualify in the probe in the -Z direction or can you qualify it at A0B0?
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It does qualify at A0B0, at least manually when I touch off to the back of the sphere. Then it does its swirly scan and then the 12 position points with no problems. Its just trying to run it from a qualification program that has the issues in that it begins to treat it like a -Z probe and therefore probes down onto the shaft.

I hate the fact that this probe is in -Y and not X so the rotation wont allow it to probe up/down which seems a lot more versatile. But it would mean 1000's of programs would need be changed if modified.

I did actually get it working once to where it could run from our qualification program but that was also on 2019 (now on 2022) so I don't know if that made a difference or no. And I also have no idea what I did to get it working.
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