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Composite Position Again and Again


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So im pretty sure i understand composite position inside calypso, and the GD&T behind it.
my question is Composite position on a single bore/hole. the videos i've watched only seem to talk about patterns.

i have alot of prints in my company that have a Composite FCF on one bore. is this legal.?
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Is it legal? Not sure.

It appears to be a refinement of the position tolerance. In other words, a looser tolerance relative to 3 datum features but a tighter tolerance to 2 datum features. They could have used a tighter tolerance on the top tier and eliminated the need for the lower tier but that might reject parts that are still good functionally.

Check out this video. It's a long one but later in the video, he goes into several aspects on this.

On a side note, I predict this will be the next topic for one of the forum's German experts (AB)....
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