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Finger Tactile to Surface Roughness Patch


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We recently had a review by a customer of a new part that included the phrase "feel 150+ with finger tactile to surface roughness patch." Has anyone ever heard a customer use this phrase? Is this the surface finish equivalent of a heat index?

(Actual surface finish is ____, but it feels like ____.)
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Should we ask for the calibration date of the customer employee's thumbnail? I was unaware this service was offered by Zeiss lol.
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I know this sounds like a fish tale but I learned that using your "eye" tooth instead of your fingernail, produces vibrations that are more sensitive than your fingernail. It does make for some peculiar facial gyrations on some parts. Don't believe me? Try it.
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Haha, I've still got a similar one, but for eroded surfaces. In the past we always compared our parts to the standard, because for our plastic parts the main aspect was not so much a super-accurate roughness value, but the uniform look and feel of an assembly made from several parts. Nowadays the tool maker.is responsible for surface roughness and we hardly measure it anmyore.
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In the past, I had a friend who checked the part coming out of the grinding with his tooth and found a close value with the surface roughness device 🙂
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I also know some real old school types that do this to check probes for hairline cracks. They usually prefer in back on the molars, light pressure and spin the probe. You can always tell when they find a crack, because no matter how many times they've done it they always look like they just got zapped.
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