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How to measure symetry of two points


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Have two diviosin points 

i cannot make lines or planes i have to measure symetry of this points. 

i made some alignment with one of points in center and other elements 

but when i want to select symetry and try to select second point as element its not working 

why ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? even 20 years cmm programs can select points as symetry elements  :D:D why this one cant ? 

i tried to make some rotated plane on this point but it also cannot be selected for symetry . 

how to solve this  problem ? 

its atos 2019 

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Not knowing the exact details of your problem, my first guess for a solution (or at least a workaround) would be to create a division point from the two division points and then check that point for GD&T position with a suitable datum system (which may be as simple as the nominal point itself).

In order to receive more detailed support you will have to contact the support team with your project.


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