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Importing SSC Stylus is rotated


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I've made a simple probe in stylus creator.

I import it into calypso, with seemingly no issues, except it is pointing the wrong direction.

If you look at the 3 dots on the baseplate they are rotated in my simulation (the knuckle should be rotated 45 deg to -X as shown in the stylus creator). I was thinking something is wrong with my machine file - one co-worker seemingly has the same issue, but another has it import correctly. But supposedly the machine file I imported onto my computer is a copy of the working one, so is this a local setting somewhere?

Edit: The coworker that had the "working" version just updated from 2019 to 2022. And now they have the same problem 🤣

stylus creator file.pngcmm.pngstylus in simulation.png

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This has been an issue with XXT styli from the creator program since forever:
I don't know why it's like this, or why someone else would be able to import it with the correct orientation.
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Thanks, at least this is a work around. Regarding how it was correct at some point, I can only guess that maybe a versioning thing. I and the other coworker with issues are on calypso 2022. The working one was 2019 until as of about 30 minutes ago when he updated to 2022 and now has the same issue as us. But at least I can move forward, thanks again.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Been an issue with the Duramax for a long time
Might be issue for direct machines with the XXT to but not sure
They should create a Duramax starting point with the head rotated correctly
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  • 3 months later...
I am using Calypso 7.4.00 and Stylus System Creator 1.7.8147. I created a new DuraMax tab with a fixed XXT sensor.

In SSC, I created the MasterProbe and an L stylus in the +Y direction. I did not apply any rotation to the "Main Axis", as I had to do in the past. When I activated the stylus tips, it showed the probe was in the X- direction. I imported both probes and everything came out perfectly. So, the rotation occurred during the import.

I also did the same thing in 7.2.08 and it worked perfectly.

So, I don't know if Calypso got fix or SSC got fixed.

Screenshot 2023-06-21 114312.jpgScreenshot 2023-06-21 114804.jpg

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SSC is definitely still wonky here. I just spent a bunch of time doing nearly the same thing. I created a 2mm left-facing L stylus. Calypso definitely automatically does the rotation, but in order to get the #5 stylus tip defined correctly in SSC, I had to apply a -90 degree rotation to the XXT, then put the stylus on the extension cube's -X face, then remove the rotation. That gets me a left-facing stylus that's properly oriented in planner after import.

The SSC application hasn't been updated in a while, so it hasn't had any fixes made.
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Unless you really really need the duramax model just setup your machine tab as something else.

I use an Eclipse 5/5/5 setup with XXT Direct with no issues.
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