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Accessing temperature values from CMM axis sensors


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I'm trying to get readings from the temperature sensors that I assume my 2014-model Contura has on its Cartesian axes. The startup status says it's internally processing those corrections, rather than the "not available or inactive", so that makes me think they're in there. If that's true, are they accessible from within Calypso? Using the getTemperatureCorrection() PCM command for the XYZ axes is just returning a flat 20, which I know isn't the ambient temperature.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I do not know if this is a license option or if it only monitors additional Temp sensors other than internal sensors.
I have nearly every available option and I could not get the Sensor menu at all.

Calypso Temp.JPG

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  • 3 weeks later...
Your Contura likely does not have individual axis or workpiece sensors. Even if it did, there would be no software correction on the axes because the scale coefficients on your machine are zero. Your PCM command is pulling the axis temperatures correctly, it’s just that they will always return 20 because you don’t have the hardware.
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