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Referance Sphere


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Open a new measurement plan. On the left side of the screen, there are 4 tabs. Go to the left most tab named "CMM". Click on the button that says "Stylus system". A new window named "Probing system qualification" appears. There are three menus near the top. Click on the menu that is named "Management". A drop down appears, click on "Reference sphere management". A window named the same will appear. At the bottom of this window under the "Functions" section, click on the "New" button.

The next step is very, very important.

You will be looking at a window named "Create New Reference Sphere". Get your Zeiss certificate paperwork that came with the sphere, and find where Zeiss reports the sphere radius. Take that value and put it in the "Sphere radius" field. The same with the serial number, shaft radius, roundness. Leave the "At Definition of Sphere Location" field set to "Update Stylus Data". At the top, where it says "Type", click the drop down and build out your reference sphere. First the base, then the sphere. When you are satisfied with your result, click "OK".

Yes you can have many reference spheres. When you are qualifying tools, make sure the sphere you want is the "Active" sphere.

This should get you in the game.


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