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Qualifying T-Probe w/Short Shaft


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We just got a small T probe (11mm end to end) and I am having trouble qualifying it. This is my first time qualifying a probe with multiple styli, in fact I have only ever done straight down styli.
I am using a Vast XXT TL3 and using RC-CAA. When it gets to the second angle orientation, this happens (see photo) and it starts taking points when the ruby is not touching the reference sphere.
What do I need to do differently? And please explain it with as much detail as possible because I am new to this and will likely have follow up questions.


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This does not answer your question but since you're using RDS-CAA, wouldn't you be able to eliminate the T and use a single L stylus?

Also, technically you would need a minimum of 4mm distance (1/2 of ref sphere dia), plus a little more, from the center of the stylus ball to the edge of the main shaft. It appears you're using an 8mm reference sphere, the styli appear to be 1.5mm diameter and the main shaft appears to be 4mm, making the distance from the center of the styli to the edge of the main shaft 2.75mm. ((11-1.5)-4)/2 Watch the passive qualification portion of the qualification routine and make sure you're not shanking out.
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I'm not familiar with the specifics of RDS calibration or with RDS-CAA at all, but by default, the calibration routine tries to cover 180 degrees of the calibration sphere. If this isn't possible, you have only two options: Use a smaller calibration sphere or reduce the sphere coverage angle of the tip in question: 127_0aa1df72b245a18b0d635642f55fb9a0.jpg
But beware, this will affect calibration and measurement quality!

If the short tip qualifies well in other angle positions, it might be because it also avoids the calib. sphere shaft in those positions and therefore doesn't collide with the sphere.
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On XXT sensor, you can change this number but it only affects the 6 points taken after the bending map sequence, which is always done at 180°. Will this affect the result? I suppose that depends on the rigidity of the stylus.
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Thanks Tom, I couldn't remember. We have an XXT at the O-Inspect, but we rarely use tactile styli there, so my knowledge about XXT calibration was limited.
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