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Cone and Plane Intersect Diameter


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I’m trying to program an intersect diameter between a cone and a local surface that I programmed around it, but it keeps projecting the intersect diameter either above or below the surface and giving me the wrong diameter size. I turned on the shell setting. Is there something else I’m forgetting to do? The diameter should be Ø.375" at the top of the cone where it meets the plane, but it’s projected above the surface and measuring Ø.4719".

Can anyone please help with this?


Joe Barajas

Cone and Plane Intersect Diameter.jpg

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Verify that your plane is at X0. The circle SHOULD lie on the plane X value. Make sure your plane is at X 0 and in base alignment. Beyond that I would need to see the nominal values for the cone and the plane to see where the error may be coming from
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Please try this. Under the "Contruction" Menu, click on "Cone Calculations". A box called "Cone Addition" will appear. Under "Feature" select your cone. Under "Or At:" select the plane. You should then have the cone diameter at the intersection of the cone and plane available to you.


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