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KMG Check/CMM Check Artifact


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I am measuring the KMG Check artifact and have several features that have failing U-Factors of >1.
If you run the KMG artifact at your location and have updated the limit values do you get your program to pass?

About my setup:
MPE(E0), MPL(R0), MPE(PFTU), MPE(RONt) and MPE(THP) are entered as 0.90+L/500, 0.10, 0.60, 0.60, 0.90 respectively per the calibration cert for the machine. All sizes of artifact features have been entered per the calibration cert for the artifact.

I do notice that the report says there is a Measurement Process Factor (MPF) of 1.2, so it is taking the machine limits from above and adding 20% for the artifact check.

Currently I have the artifact setup in the X axis orientation.
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