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ZEISS CALYPSO 2022 full version software upgrade


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Thinking about upgrading to the newest version ZEISS CALYPSO 2022 full version (7.4) , has anybody upgraded yet and if so have you had any problems. Thanks in advance
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I've got it running on one machine, but I can't program on it due to my other CMMs being on older versions. So far the only issues I've had are from a UX standpoint, primarily the new open dialog and the iconography changes. Opening programs takes an extra step and the recent programs list doesn't seem to work correctly. Some of the icons that got changed I think are too minimal, like the plane icon, and the button to switch circle features between bore and shaft type is actually harder for me to see than before.
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I have been using the since last two month,first few days, I had some sort of difficulties, now it became very easy, I think it is more user friendly. lot of unwanted buttons are deactivated, base alignment Delta value automatically pop up... And much more love it...
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I am running the latest version, 7.4, and I love it. There are genuine improvements that help me be more effective. It's not without bugs, but they are tolerable (coincidentally, this also describes life here in Minnesota).

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I've had weird issues with it switching programs from mm to in or vise versa, corrupting points so that I have to retake them it just drives into the table even though nothing has changed as i run a part several times, and get error messages from time to time before complete software crash. 😃
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I have a master part that runs on our older O-inspect 543 with Calypso 2020. If I run the same part, using the same program on our newer O-inspect 543 with Calypso 2022, I get dramatically different results. As much as .001" difference.
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